Espace membre
This space is reserved for learners of English who have signed up for a course with Business English Services. It gives you the opportunity to practice your English outside and beyond the face-to-face training sessions, should it be a one-to-one, or a group lesson. This online platform reflects our strong believe and is in line with scientific research, which proves that success in learning and improving your English depends on the amount of time and personal investment you put in. As a signed-up member, you will receive an email, each time new content is added. Content is selected from the latest authentic resources in forms of videos, audio podcasts or articles from the press. With each new content, you will find some questions to reflect upon before you start to watch, listen or read, and you will be able to download Handouts with Vocabulary, Exercises and the Key (corrigé). You are welcome to ask questions, or make comments in the Comments section. Your comments will be moderated before they appear online. This aims to be a collaborative platform which means that you can also suggest topics you are interested in or send us a link to content you have found yourself. We may use it as a resource for future Exercises. Thank you for joining our collective imagination supporting you to be better in English!